
26, 27, 28, 29.11

SOIRS ILLUSOIRS | Davis Freeman | Exposure

SOIRS ILLUSOIRS | Davis Freeman | Exposure


Gratis | doorlopend van 19u tot 22u

Exposure is een exclusieve, extraverte en extravagante foto- installatie waarbij u zelf voor de lens moet om toegang te krijgen. De foto wordt ter plaatste geprint, ingekaderd, en u hangt het tentoon in de installatie op een plek die u zelf kiest. Iedereen die zich laat fotograferen krijgt een persoonlijk ticket om in de volgende 4 dagen de installatie te bezichtigen.

Davis Freeman plaatste deze installatie al in Playground Festival in STUK (Leuven), Zenne Gallery (Brussels), Tanzhaus NRW (Dusseldorf). Een deel van deze voorgangers zullen ook opgenomen in de huidige installatie.

Davis Freeman is acteur, danser, regisseur en performer. Hij werkte met Forced Entertainment, Meg Stuart en Superamas. In 1999 stichtte hij het gezelschap RANDOM SCREAM. Hij was eerder e gast in Monty met Assassins (2008), Investment en nw @imprvd cmmn sns prjct (2013), en A better place (2014). Hij toont work in progress van zijn nieuwste project Fathers & Sons in Monty op 13 december.

Van en door Davis Freeman

Exposure is an exclusive photography installation where the public must have his or her own picture taken to be able to enter. Davis Freeman asks people to work with privately with the photographer to create their own personal portrait. We’ll then print this photograph on the spot, frame it, and the person can install the photograph in the exhibition anywhere they want. People who have their photograph taken will also receive a private pass to come back again to the installation over the following 4 days as the installation grows, and receive a copy of their photo by email.

Davis Freeman has created this installation already in the Playground Festival in STUK (Leuven), Zenne Gallery (Brussels), Tanzhaus NRW (Dusseldorf) with already 300 people participating and we’ll include a section of these in the installation itself.

Davis Freeman is an American artist based in Brussels who has worked with Forced Entertainment, Meg Stuart & Superamas. He created his company Random Scream in 1999 where he makes contemporary theater / dance, photo/video installations and curatorial projects. He stage work is often seen as devious political theatre and often deal with issues of climate change. Currently he’s touring Now & the future, 7 Promises & A better place and his latest curatorial project Karaoke (ART).

  • 26.11.14

    -  19u00
  • 27.11.14

    -  19u00
  • 28.11.14

    -  19u00
  • 29.11.14

    -  19u00